Bollywood lovers have been keeping their eyes stern on the Sooryavanshi release date ever since its trailer came out on YouTube almost a year ago. The release of the Sooryavanshi movie starring Akshay Kumar & Ajay Devgan was put on hold during the whole pandemic chaos, but it might be hitting the big screen soon. Are you ready for the next big Bollywood cop flick studded with a talented star cast and astounding action scenes?
Watch the Movie Cast on Big Screens
When the Sooryavanshi trailer came out, it was a surprise for the viewers to witness such a massive collaboration of tinsel town’s biggest stars. Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgan, Ranveer Singh, and Katrina Kaif teamed up to play larger-than-life characters for Rohit Shetty’s cop saga.
Indeed, the action master Rohit Shetty has tried to create a whole new cop universe in which characters from different movie franchises will be joining in to help the main protagonists. Aside from the main characters, the movie cast also includes Jackie Shroff, Gulshan Grover, Sikander Kher, Javed Jaffrey, Nikitin Dheer, and other well-known faces.
Release Date and Movie Tickets
The movie was all set for a nationwide release in March 2020, but the new release date for Sooryavanshi has been decided for 5th November 2021 and the movie tickets will be out soon for advanced booking. If you wish to watch the movie with your family and friends, then you can log on to BookMyShow for advanced booking on Sooryavanshi movie tickets.
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