Watch Akshay Kumar's latest movie Bell Bottom on big screens. Akshay Kumar is back and all set to leave his fans spellbound with his acting skills. Bell bottom is one of the most anticipated upcoming movies. Don't worry about your safety because BookMyShow gives you my safety first assurance. Cinemas are reopening after a post-COVID lockdown in India while taking care of safety measures and maintaining government guidelines so that you can stay secure. If you want to catch Bell Bottom in cinemas, you can watch it safely at your nearest cinemas . Bell Bottom- All the Details in a Nutshell Release Date: Bell Bottom release date has been announced. It's releasing on 19th Aug 2021. Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Huma Qureshi, Vaani Kapoor. Genre: It's a thriller and action movie. Language: Bell Bottom is a Hindi movie. Bell Bottom- What is it all About? It's a retro spy thriller set in the 80s and is mainly shot in the UK. The movie revolves around a young man who a...
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