Last week when the Raabta trailer was released, we just couldn't help but drool over the magical chemistry Sushant Singh Rajput and Kriti Sanon display on screen. Dinesh Vijan who is co-founder of the Illuminati films along with Saif Ali Khan and better known for his films Cocktail, and Love Aaj Kal, makes his debut as a director with this modern love story and a rebirth saga. The two minutes trailer has already broken records on the Internet last week and is all set to amaze the viewers with its song launch which features Deepika Padukone. For those who don't know, the xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, heroine has done an item song in the film of the title track!.
Raabta - Sushant Singh Rajput | Kriti Sanon |
Raabta is the story of Shiv and Saira who travel through time for love. It's a love story that could not be fulfilled in one lifetime. In the 2 minute 20 second trailer, the Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta song (from Agent Vinod) is playing in the background and weaves magic. It starts with the lead pair romancing in the beautiful locales of Europe and suddenly the narrative shifts into a tribal and ancient world where a beast Jim Sarbh comes between the king and queen. Ending on a dramatic note when our antagonist, the beast, says, “Ek tha Raja, Ek Thi Rani, Dono mar gaye khatam kahani”. So what happens to this Raja and Rani is what makes us curious to watch this reincarnation drama. The movie is slated to release on 9th June.
The music of Raabta has been making all the right sounds on all the chartbusters. The first song, titled Ik Vaari Aa, just got released a few days back and is breaking the Internet since then. Sung by Arijit Singh, and music composed by Pritam, the song is a romantic melody and visually pretty appealing. It shows us the sizzling love story of this adorable couple. The lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Ever since the trailer of the movie was released, while some couldn't stop swooning over the magical chemistry of the lead pair, others alleged that the film is a rip off of S.S Rajamouli's 2009 Telugu blockbuster film, Magadheera featuring Kajal Aggarwal and Ram Charan . Apparently, Magadheera was also based on the theme of reincarnation and so was Saiyami Kher starrer, romantic saga, Mirzya. It’s believed that this will be better than the other movies and will be a hit at the box office.
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