Jagga Jasoos is an upcoming hindi romantic movie which is directed by Anurag Basu and brings back the hit duo of Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif back on the big screen. The movie is going to release in July now and was previously slated to release on 14th April. This has definitely saddened the fans and the excitement has upped much for this much anticipated movie of the year. In this movie, Ranbir’s world has tigers, elephants and, not to forget, ostriches, which both the actors use as the mode of transport during a particular scene which makes it more interesting. The trailer is way too good and surprises us by introducing everyone to Ranbir’s life, which makes us believe that he is not different as once he was close to his father and he remembers the time when his father walked away. This latest trailer also takes the audience on a breathtaking journey across lush green hill tops, widespread corn fields, to the African savannas and military base camps. Katrina's char...
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